Mal-Teeth Falcon

Edwards Throws WingNuts Under The Bus...
The WingNuts are all a twitter about John Edwards hiring Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon and Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare's Sister as official bloggers for his Presidential Election Campaign. Edwards made the decision and announced today that he will not fire them because people who would never vote for him ( the WingNuts ) want him to. Go John... Go Amanda... Go Melissa... Never let the WingNuts get you down...
The instigator of all the uproar is a WingNut Par Excellance by the name of William Donohue who heads the Catholic League who today called Barbara Walters - House Mom To Bigots... He has had many documented bigoted, homophobe and racist remarks throughout his tenure. His interference this time in a public capmaign may even be illegal as theorized by Jeffrey Feldman/Daily Kos:
Into the picture comes the Mal-Teeth Falcon to soar to new heights of hypocrisy by echoing William Donohue's cry that foul langauge is forbiden fruit for the Dems to pick while feasting on their on hate speech and outlandish rethoric. The WingNuts of the Nest all eagerly flagellate wildly with beaks spread wide, desperate for a small regurgitance from the One On High, The Mal-Teeth Falcon (yes I invented this term - sorry skippy). She who is worshipped throughout the land from every nest of 23%ers has decreed that she will fight the evil libs til the last putred breath creeps from her craw.
Libs beware... The Mal-Teeth Falcon is on the fly...
Matt Stoller at MYDD has set up a BlogPac page (Fight back against media hypocrisy - Defend our fellow bloggers!) that you can send emails to the mass media who are supporting this smear campaign... I have already sent mine so I'm sure you will be clicking on over there and sending yours as well... I'm sure skippy has already sent his too...